subsurface insight

OCTIO Gravitude Services


Real-time drill-bit positioning, look-ahead imaging and drilling integrity service


Real-time injection-well monitoring service


Low-cost, high-resolution fluid distribution mapping service


Low cost, high-resolution reservoir compaction mapping service


A single non-invasive solution to simplify drilling BHA’s, navigate the wells, introduce slim casing designs, reduce wellbore integrity risks and Lost in hole (LIH) exposure, and eliminate time-consuming Seismic While Drilling (SWD) and wireline VSP operations.

Service summary

OCTIO deploys a seismic cable on the seabed. Drilling noise act as a seismic source and the DrillWatch solution processes data generated by the seismic receivers in real-time. The results for the drill bit location and formations ahead of the bit are made available to customers on our proprietary smart web analysis tool.

DrillWatch value proposition

Real-time drill-bit positioning service

Primarily focused on development drilling, DrillWatch service delivers drill-bit position with a lateral accuracy of under 5m, significantly better than conventional downhole MWD and gyro-based methods. DrillWatch measurements are independent of step out and measured the depth of the well.  

A high position accuracy enables E&P companies to improve field drainage strategies by placing long horizontal wells closer to each other and reduce expensive well collision risks. Further, drilling BHA’s can be simplified, increasing the operational efficiency, and reducing the Lost In Hole (LIH) exposure for our customers. 

Real-time look-ahead imaging service

This service has applications both for development and exploration drilling.  

For development drilling, Real-time look-ahead imaging provides instant well tie and supports positioning wells within the pay zone, supporting the increasing oil recovery for our customers. 

For exploration drilling, Real-time look-ahead imaging reduces the depth uncertainty of target formations to push the casing shoe deeper and potentially remove some of the intermediate casings. This application can significantly reduce the exploration drilling costs for our customers.  Also, with an early warning of the geological changes, our customers reduce the well integrity risks and improve operational efficiency.


A low cost, high-efficiency solution to provide a field-wide mapping of drainage, reservoir rock deformation and fluid movement at 1/10 of the cost of 4D Seismic surveys.

Service summary

OCTIO deploys gWatch instrumentation using a remotely operated vehicle to take gravimetry and subsidence measurements in the field. Gravimetry measurements detect mass changes in the subsurface and indicate fluid movement in the reservoir. Seabed subsidence measurements quantify the reservoir compaction due to the pressure drop caused by hydrocarbon production. Combined these two measurements, provide valuable insight into reservoir management for improved hydrocarbon production

gWatch value proposition​

Increases recovery by identifying untapped gas pockets, improves resource management by a better estimate of volumes in place, accurately predict water break-through and monitors fluid flow and water influx and improve reservoir integrity and safety


A fully automated hardware-independent software solution to monitor wellbore and caprock integrity and maximize field injection rates.

Service summary

OCTIO deploys dedicated seismic sensors on the seabed or uses the available existing infrastructure of PRM / LOFS in the producing field. The seismic sensors continuously monitor any microseismic activity happening downhole, and the data is transferred to shore. A full automated well watch solution requires minimal human interference to detect and provide early warnings for any microseismic activity in the subsurface.

WellWatch value proposition

Majority of the producing fields require a subsurface injection to boost pressure and sustain hydrocarbon production levels over the field lifetime. Also, cutting and waste injection in the subsurface is a cost-effective and green solution compared to transportation and disposal of drilling waste onshore. With a continuous and fully automated early warning solution of WellWatch, our customers can increase injection rates and overall capacity. This application will significantly increase field production and reduce waste disposal costs onshore.


A Low cost, high-resolution reservoir compaction mapping service to identify undrained pockets and improve the geomechanical reservoir model

Service summary

OCTIO deploys DepthWatch instrumentation using a remotely operated vehicle to take subsidence measurements in the field. Seabed subsidence measurements quantify the reservoir compaction due to the pressure drop caused by hydrocarbon production. DepthWatch service delivers field-wide subsidence measurements with an accuracy of a few millimetres.

DepthWatch value proposition

Majority of the producing fields require a subsurface injection to boost pressure and sustain hydrocarbon production levels over the field lifetime. Also, cutting and waste injection in the subsurface is a cost-effective and green solution compared to transportation and disposal of drilling waste onshore. With a continuous and fully automated early warning solution of WellWatch, our customers can increase injection rates and overall capacity. This application will significantly increase field production and reduce waste disposal costs onshore.