The First EAGE Workshop on Practical Reservoir Monitoring (Amsterdam, March 6th-9th 2017) will address opportunities for optimizing production investments through geophysical monitoring, in a challenging market context.
OCTIO will present two cost-efficient monitoring solutions in two different abstracts:

Real Time Offshore Monitoring: Key Learnings, Pitfalls and Potentials (E. V. Bergfjord et al.)
OCTIO’s ocean bottom seismic monitoring solution is a reliable, flexible and scalable system. It is suited for a large range of applications: from deployment on short notice for drilling or injection, to large field-wide reservoir monitoring systems. Furthermore, its flexibility allows to dynamically adapt the setup to the different phases of the project lifetime. The system at the Oseberg field, presented in this abstract, uses passive microseismics to monitor in real-time an injection well. The offshore environment features new sources of background when compared to more conventional onshore applications. Means to obtain the required signal-over-noise for real-time applications are presented.

How 4D Gravity and Subsidence Monitoring Provide Improved Decision Making (M. Lien et al.)
Time-lapse gravity allows quantifying and mapping hydrocarbon depletion and water influx in the reservoir. Seafloor subsidence measurements, based on an elaborate processing of water pressure data, provide a map of pressure depletion and reservoir compaction. Both data sets are collected by OCTIO Gravitude at a cost 10-15% of that of a seismic survey. This abstract shows how this information is used to detect unproduced compartments, update estimates of gas reserves, predict water break-through or plan for in-fill wells.