
Injection Integrity Monitoring

Injection of fluids in the subsurface is a frequent operation in hydrocarbon producing projects. Injection can have different objectives, as to increase pressure in the producing formation to boost hydrocarbon recovery, or dispose of wastewater and cuttings from well drilling. In WellWatch projects, data is analyzed in real-time, and feedback is provided to the client by means of OCTIO’S Guardian Software.

In both cases, OCTIO WellWatch systems provide monitoring of caprock integrity and fault reactivation for a safe injection, possibility to increase injection flows and capacity due to the improved safety or mapping of plume migration. The service also has the ability to perform monitoring of crack formation for prevention of water breaktrough into producing wells.

Field Case

Oseberg field case

A 172-node WellWatch system is operating 24/7 at the Oseberg field since 2013. This was the first offshore system word-wide with microseismic monitoring as main motivation. The system is saving the operator 1.2 M$ per year, by enabling injection of waste water, and avoiding costly, weather-dependent shipping of waste to land. A part from its main motivation of detecting microseismic events, the OCTIO WellWatch system at Oseberg has been used to significantly improve the imaging of regions of the reservoir by using active seismic. It is also used to investigate gas leakages on the shallow sediments through interferometry and to investigate detectability of Carbon Dioxide through changes in sound velocity in water.